8 Careers Making Over $100K Per Year

Illustration of six diverse women in various professions, including a doctor, police officer, teacher, scientist, construction worker, and musician, each depicted with tools of their trade.

Throughout your career, you’ll find yourself walking a potentially dangerous tightrope. We all want to make the big bucks that will help us enjoy the kind of lifestyle we want and afford ourselves the creature comforts that make life so special. At the same time, however, we also need to achieve some level of work/life balance and keep stress at bay.

But don’t worry, shooting for the stars and aiming for the highest paying jobs needn’t necessarily mean diving headfirst into an early grave. Just take a look at some of these jobs that make over 100K per year. They’re surprisingly laid back but will allow you to make good money and enjoy your life both in and out of work.

Real Estate Agent

Helping people find their dream homes… wow. What a calling. Not to mention, the average estate agent’s office is a pretty chill place. If you have a passion for working with people, have the persuasive skills to close deals effectively, and know how to match the right property with the right people, a career in real estate can be extremely lucrative.

Good thing also, that it’s not uncommon for real estate agents at the top of their game to earn upwards of $100,000.

Construction Manager

The Australian construction industry is in a position of real strength right now. Everything from house-building to the construction of commercial properties is booming all over the country. Still, that doesn’t mean that construction firms have money to waste, nor can they afford to fall afoul of regulatory bodies.

For this reason, construction managers are an extremely valuable commodity. They need to have a very broad range of skills and be able to keep several logistical plates spinning at once but those with a proven track record can easily command salaries over $110,000.

Web Designer

A good website is an invaluable asset to a business. Whether a brand makes money from e-commerce or not, the impression a business makes in the digital world is still somewhat defined by its website. As such, talented and experienced web designers are worth their weight in platinum to enterprises of all kinds. For those particularly interested in enhancing e-commerce capabilities, enrolling in an e-commerce course can provide the specialised knowledge required to design websites that not only look good but also optimise for conversions and user experience.

While you certainly can’t expect to command a six-figure salary in your early days as a web designer, as you grow in skill and experience, your insights will be more and more valuable to your clients. You’ll be able to help them sculpt a website that doesn’t just look pretty but has a user interface and user experience that subtly influences user behaviour to achieve favourable results.

The best web designers tend to be worth over $122,000.

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Project Engineer

Engineering is a famously lucrative field and an extremely rewarding career for those who like to apply their imagination and intellect to creative problem-solving. Project engineers have a gift for being able to draw upon their knowledge and expertise to develop and implement creative engineering solutions to a wide range of problems in numerous industries.

That’s not only an extremely satisfying way to make a living. It can be really lucrative, too. Project engineers earn an average in excess of $130,000.


A healthy body is nothing without a healthy mind to power it. Increased awareness of the importance of mental health has led to an increase in demand for trained psychiatrists. A well-trained and experienced psychiatrist can earn over $130,000. That’s a little bit more than your average junior doctor without the hectic and stressful pace or the seemingly insurmountable workload.

A psychiatrist’s knowledge and expertise afford them opportunities in a wide range of fields and can promise enormous job satisfaction as well as job security.

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Have you ever seen a stressed-out dentist? We’re not sure that we have. While looking into people’s mouths all day might not be for everyone, it certainly makes for a more relaxed working pace than most surgeons will experience. 

Of course, becoming a dentist is a long and challenging path that takes around five years. Nonetheless, if you're interested in the dental field but looking for a shorter path, a dental assistant course could be an ideal start. Once you’re all trained and ready to go, you can expect to command an average salary of around $120,000. Plus, as long as people have teeth, there will be a need for dentists, meaning that you can enjoy job security without the stress of worrying about being made redundant.

Software Development Manager

In the digital world, technology is pretty much inseparable from the business. All kinds of enterprises both large and small have specific software needs. While many may be fond of Microsoft Office, other businesses may require sophisticated purpose-built solutions to which they turn to software developers.

Becoming a software development manager is an exciting career path for those with great leadership and problem-solving skills. What’s more, software development managers can expect to earn over $110,000 by enroling in the best IT courses. Enhance your skills further by exploring Microsoft Office courses, which provide essential knowledge for any tech professional.

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Of course, if you ever find yourself frustrated by the lack of opportunities in your chosen career path, remember you can always create your own. With the right training, and experience (and a whole lot of passion) you can start up your own business with limitless earning potential.

Entrepreneurs may endure longer hours than most. Maybe even the odd sleepless night. But they go to bed every night knowing that they’re doing something they love and are passionate about. And in that regard, they never work a day in their lives.

The above mentioned careers are just some of the many roles making 100k per year. Keep in mind that the path to earning a six-figure salary begins with making the first step. That’s why we provide a wealth of useful courses to help you make the best possible start in an exciting new career.

If you have questions about the online courses we offer, please feel free to touch base with us by filling out our enquiry form which you can find by clicking the orange button below.

Thanks and have an exciting career ahead!

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