Best Short Courses to Do Online & Why

Artwork of a person engaging with digital content on a laptop, highlighting the appeal of online short courses.

Pursuing your dream career requires the right skills, patience and determination. Experience says a lot, too. However, if you think you don’t have the knowledge and qualifications your dream job needs, do not lose heart! Skills can always be learned and developed over time, and besides, we’re here to help.

Here at Get Course, we offer affordable online short courses that can help prepare you for your future career. Some of our offerings are outlined below.

Makeup Courses

If you enjoy doing makeup and aim to turn this passion into a profession, our Makeup Artistry Course can help you get started. These courses will teach you the best looks for specific events and occasions, including weddings, TV shows, high-fashion photoshoots, and more.

For as low as $25 per week, you can learn from industry experts, pick up tips to help you build career success, and improve your networking opportunities. You will also learn how to run your own makeup business and the different ways of promoting yourself and improving your skill set. Enrolling in a course that leads to a certificate in makeup artistry is an excellent way to formalise your skills, gain recognition in the field, and set a strong foundation for your career in beauty and makeup artistry.

View Our Makeup Courses Now

Commercial and Domestic Cleaning Business Courses

Working as a cleaner or running a cleaning business is not as simple as just showing up with cleaning supplies and offering to give the building the once over. You need to learn about the different chemicals that should be used, marketing techniques, the ins and outs of deep cleaning, and health and safety. All this and more will be the focal point of our extensive 15-week course, covering domestic and commercial cleaning. You will learn the difference between cleaning a carpet and polishing a floor.

You will pick up skills and tips that are going to help you improve your approach to cleaning, and pick up plenty of ideas that will set you in good stead. But, our course we’ll also help equip you with essential information on running a cleaning business, marketing effectively, invoicing clients, and what you need to know about insurance.

Psychology Courses

Whether you’d like to understand mental health in general, want to help yourself handle your emotions better, or help others process other people’s traumas and negative feelings, studying Psychology Courses would be suitable for you.

Studying these short online courses can help you become a good counsellor, life coach, and also better listener. They will teach you how to deal with anger issues, grief and loss, stress, crises, and depression, as well as understand different personality types and behaviours.

View Our Psychology Courses Now

Gardening Courses

Planting can be very therapeutic, and it’s also beneficial if you’re trying to watch what you eat. It allows you to grow your greens and opens business opportunities as well. With our Gardening Courses offered by My Learning Online, you will learn the essentials of soil, nutrition, planting, and landscaping.

You’ll learn how to set up a horticulture or landscaping business, proper plant selection, how to organise your inventory, and everything it takes to make your business last.

View Our Landscaping Courses Now

Photography Courses

Studying photography is a total win mainly because you can do this for a hobby, career, and business purposes. Our Certificate in Photography online will teach you various lighting techniques, proper angles for specific subjects, exposures, and even post-processing methods.

The best way to succeed in this field is to choose a specific niche, practice your photography skills, and then offer your images and/or photography services to the right market.

View Our Photography Courses Now

The above mentioned online short courses are just some of many courses that we offer. When choosing a course, make sure to keep in mind your passion, your strengths, and preferred career path.

On the other hand, if you’re interested in studying any of our offerings and would like to know the total cost and how to enrol, kindly click the orange button below, search for your preferred course, then fill out and submit our enquiry form.

All the best! Cheers!

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