Distance Education In Australia

Image of a home learning environment with a woman studying from a laptop showing a video lecture, surrounded by notes and a decorative plant.

It’s no secret that the current innovation in Information Technology has enabled distance education to be more possible than ever.

In fact, you can study by distance from the comfort of your home in Australia. As a student, you can complete top online college courses without a hitch. The only thing you’ll need as a student is to find the right qualification for you and have a good internet connection.

Here are some of the things you’ll learn in this article about distance education in Australia:

  • The Definition of online and distance education.
  • How the course is delivered
  • What support is available
  • Key entry requirements for online courses

Without further ado, let’s have a look at the definition of Online and distance education.

What is Online and Distance Education?

Online and Distance can be defined as the process by which students learn without needing to attend classes. Online & distance learning is great for:

  1. Australians living in rural areas that don’t have local access to a college campus.
  2. Australians with super busy schedules cannot adhere to a classroom structure and need flexibility.
  3. International students who want to get an Australian education without having to leave their home country.

With current technological advancements, it’s now possible for people who are committed to improving their future to accomplish their goals and still maintain their lifestyle. Another amazing benefit of online and distance education is there are heaps of courses available for just about any industry. Many of these nationally recognised training courses are available on education websites like Get Course.

Delivery Methods for Distance Education

Online and distance education courses can be delivered in many different ways:

Some course providers in Australia allow the exams and other assessments to be submitted online; however, others require students to complete their exams at venues like offshore campuses.

  • Studying your online course through the Internet
  • Having the course materials delivered to you in the post while studying through distance education.
  • The at-home study combined with visits to an institution (also known as “Blended Learning”)
  • Studying from home with occasional face to face lecturing.

Many providers provide a great deal of flexibility by offering part-time study and trimester/term systems that allow students to accelerate or even spread their studies. Some online course providers will even let you enrol in single units of a course to allow you to try a particular area of study and see if it’s actually for you. Online and distance education also allows you to begin your studies when you are ready.

Distance Education Support for Students

Most online course providers have great support systems in place using numerous forms of Technology, these include:

  • Students Online Forums
  • Recorded Lectures
  • Electronic Library Resources (Audio Text Books)
  • Virtual Classrooms

Most distance education providers will give extra student support like:

  • Counselling Services
  • A One-on-One tutor
  • Technical Assistance

Key Entry Requirements for Online courses

Course entry requirements for online and distance education in Australia vary quite a bit. It’s best to do your research when it comes to picking an online course and double-check with a college or institution when making an enquiry. So course providers will require a certain level of academia whilst others will not require anything. When deciding between a diploma vs degree, understanding these entry requirements can help you make an informed choice.

For more information about the different types of online qualifications in Australia and to view our entire online course list click the big orange button below.

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