Why Studying an Online Course Will Benefit Your Career Opportunities and Help You Find Your Dream Job

Graphic showing a young Asian woman engaging in a remote learning session, with a laptop displaying a video lecture on mathematical graphs, in a well-organized study space with a clock and a hot beverage.

So how does taking a course online benefit you more so than going to Uni? – And how can that give me more career opportunities

So what could be some of the reasons why more Australian’s are studying online?

According to the Sydney Morning Herald “Figures from the 2011 census show a 25 per cent jump since 2006, to 932,000 people studying at Australian universities with student numbers to soon soar to well over a million.To put that in context, in 1985, when the parents of many of today’s students were of uni age, fewer than 140,000 people were studying at university. And even as recently as 1989, only 10 per cent of the entire population had higher education qualifications.”

According to IBIS World “The Online Education industry has grown rapidly. Technological advancements and faster internet have allowed the online model to offer a more viable method of learning. With more individuals and businesses recognising the benefits of online education, the use of online learning has soared over the past five years.A trend towards upskilling, which became apparent during the global financial crisis, has solidified with an increase in the national unemployment rate over the past five years.”

And according to Australian Bureau of Statistics “As computers have become more affordable over time, the number of Australian households using computers and accessing the internet has significantly increased. In 2008-09, nearly three-quarters of households had internet access, up from one in six a decade earlier. This growth, coupled with advancements in mobile internet technologies, has seen internet use change. Information technology (IT) is increasingly becoming an important part of the way we work, conduct our finances, communicate, learn and are entertained.”

Are you still wondering if you should study online?

Well, here are 5 more reasons why:

Location: If you are already working, or there are other reasons why you might not be able to be present on campus at a traditional university, then online education can provide you with the option to follow the study courses from the comfort of your home.

Flexibility: Online diploma courses give you the option to combine independent learning with work or family and work around your timetable. The online courses are specially designed for self-study and are often personalised to fit the needs of individual students.

Variety: With the growing need for online education, there has been an increase in available online and distance study programmes, giving you a great choice of different course to choose from.

Easy access: Online RTO’s sometimes have less or even no formal requirements that need to be fulfilled in order to access courses.

Support: When you’re studying online, it does not mean you are not always left alone in your self-study environment. Most online programmes are designed in such a way that you can receive awesome support from university tutors, trainers, and individual feedback to keep you focused on your studies.

Online learning, whether for a diploma or a short course, can offer a flexible study option for people who can’t commit to full-time study, or don’t have access to a nearby university.

If you’ve been out of education for a long time, the thought of going “back to school” and fitting study into a busy schedule, can be daunting. Life commitments mean that going to class every day is not always an option.

Here is what people who are studying online are saying from an article in The Guardian

“Studying online means I can fit my studies to my life, rather than fitting my life around my studies,” says Anna Enos

“I have a two-year-old son called Alfie and looking after him takes up most of my time,” says Lyndsay Briggs

“I never thought that I’d be able to go to university, I always wanted to, but I thought I wasn’t intelligent enough to do so. Graduating with a distinction has been a huge boost for my confidence,” says Kerrie Hallam

“When I had my relapse I lost my job and because of that, I wanted to do something to keep myself occupied. There’s no way I could manage to get to a college or university, so it had to be distance learning,” says Anna Wood

Don’t Get Let The Opportunity Go By!

Start your path to a better future with more benefits, more opportunities, more freedom, and more time for yourself and your family.

Go now and pick a course and get the skills, knowledge, and training you need to step up your game and get the career you love.

Online education has emerged as a potent force in the modern learning landscape, revolutionizing the way Australians approach their educational and career aspirations. It transcends the traditional boundaries of university learning, offering unparalleled flexibility, a wide array of course options, and accessibility regardless of location or lifestyle. This form of education is more than a convenient alternative; it’s a comprehensive pathway tailored to the needs of today’s learners who study at home, requiring adaptability and diverse opportunities. The success stories and positive experiences shared by online learners underscore the transformative potential of this mode of education. It caters to various life circumstances, empowering individuals to pursue their educational goals without sacrificing other aspects of their lives. The growing popularity of online education is a clear indicator of its effectiveness, relevance, and ability to equip learners with the skills and knowledge needed in an ever-evolving job market.

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