Business Studies Online: What Major To Choose?

Digital drawing of a woman seated at a desk, juggling tasks between a laptop and a tablet, with books and greenery enhancing her workspace.

Have you been considering doing your business studies online but still confused on what major you should take? We’ve got you covered! In this post, we’ve listed the majors you can choose from when it comes to studying business online. Plus, we’ve included some potential roles you can attain once you complete your studies.

Overall, we wanted to provide you with some tips that can help you finally say “okay, this is the major for me.”

Why Take Business Studies Online?

If you search for phrases like “most popular course in Australia” on Google, you’ll notice that business and management-related courses often take the number one spot on the list. This is not surprising since studying business online usually opens doors to numerous career paths.

However, some students do not have enough time to follow a full-time schedule schedule on campus hence they take online courses which allow them to take modules at their own pace and time discretion.

Some students much prefer taking Business Courses online because they’ve realized that taking an online course can provide them with the same credentials they need to succeed in their career without needing to modify their normal schedule.

Studying business online now comes with an even better experience using virtual reality software. Take our Virtual Reality Diploma of Business for example. This business course provides an advanced online learning experience to make you feel like you’re in an actual class. All you have to do is put your Oculus headset on and you will be transported into a virtual classroom, with real classmates. You also have a real trainer who runs the live lecture, plus you can also interact (raise your hand, etc.) in the discussions. Such immersive experiences are not only engaging but also pivotal in developing the leadership and decision-making skills necessary to become a good manager

Above all, virtual reality education provides numerous benefits to your brain and well-being which you can learn more about just below.

Want to Learn More About this Virtual Reality Business Course?

View This Course Now

5 Business Major Options & Their Career Paths

Here are some majors you can choose from with business studies online and the possible roles you can apply for upon completion.

Major # 1: Accounting

Bookkeeping, auditing, budgeting, and taxes. All of these terms and the numbers behind them will make sense if you major in accounting. This major will make you an expert in the language of money. You will learn how to create and inspect financial reports for legal compliance and financial accuracy, how to prevent fraud in transactions, and more. In addition, by taking specialised Bookkeeping Courses, including Xero courses, you will gain a deeper understanding of daily financial management and transaction recording, essential for any accounting professional. Also, you will be trained to formulate business recommendations based on funding, expected costs, inflation, and other financial data. To further enhance your expertise, , consider enrolling in a Certificate in Bookkeeping alongside accounting courses online, providing a focused credential that sharpens your practical bookkeeping abilities.

Potential Roles:

  • Accountant
  • Accounting Clerk Auditor
  • Bookkeeper
  • Budget Analyst
  • Tax Collector
  • Tax Examiner
  • Revenue Agent

Major # 2: Business

You might think that it’s redundant to take a business major in a business course. But this actually appeals to people who want to learn the fundamentals of entrepreneurship, economics, business laws, human resources, global business, banking and finance in just one course. It is the so-called “generic” major since it covers almost all the different facets of business.

Potential Roles:

  • Account Executive
  • Administration Clerk
  • Business Analyst
  • Business Development Manager
  • Financial Analyst
  • HR Officer
  • Project Manager
  • Senior Receptionist

Major # 3: Finance

This major revolves around money, statistics, capital planning, investment options, economics, mathematics, and accounting. Likewise, it will teach you how to communicate financial information and predict outcomes (e.g., stock market fluctuations) based on previous and current data. To enhance your understanding and proficiency in accounting, consider enrolling in Accounting Courses online. Additionally, expanding your knowledge through Finance Courses can further develop your skills in data analysis as well as logical and critical thinking.

Potential Roles:

  • Accountant
  • Actuarial Analyst
  • Economist
  • Financial Advisor
  • Financial Analyst
  • Underwriter

Major # 4: Management

Business management is for people who would like to be ready to effectively manage an organisation to achieve short-term and long-term business goals. The course pivots on classes about production, administration, logistics, purchasing, Diploma of Human Resource Management, marketing, accounting, business decision-making, and leadership.

You can explore Receptionist Courses online to enhance your management skills, critical for overseeing business operations and leading a team efficiently. Additionally, our Human Resources Courses, including the Certificate IV in Human Resource Management, can provide you with essential knowledge and skills to effectively manage and develop your organisation's workforce.

  • Business Adviser
  • Business Analyst
  • Corporate Investment Banker
  • Data Analyst
  • Data Scientist
  • Department Manager
  • Office Coordinator
  • Project Manager
  • Team Leader

Major # 5: Marketing

Marketing majors study the science and creativity behind figuring out what the consumers want and need in a specific industry, and the best strategies to fulfill them. If you take this major, you will learn how to cleverly create and sell products and/or services, and all the necessary skills to execute proper branding.

Additionally, this major gives you a good foundation in advertising, whether it’s traditional (TV ads, radio, print, billboards, etc.) or digital (social media, popular websites, search engines, influencer marketing, etc.)

Potential Roles:

  • Account Executive
  • Advertising Manager
  • Branding Specialist
  • Marketing Manager
  • Marketing Research Analyst
  • Product Manager
  • Public Relations Specialist
  • Sales Representative

View The Bachelor of Applied Business Now

4 Tips on Choosing Your Major

For instance, you have decided to take the three-year Bachelor of Applied Business but you’re still uncertain about which major to choose. Just pause, breathe, and worry no more. Here are some helpful tips on choosing your major and making the final choice.

1. Assess your interests, skill set, and strengths.

What do you love doing? What are you good at? If you are fascinated with math and numbers, you can probably take a major in accounting or finance. However, if you’re more on the creative side, you can major in marketing. If you are a little bit of both, then you may be better off taking a major in business.

2. Consider your dream career.

As explained above, each major can lead you to different career paths. If you are aiming for a specific role, for example, you want to be a public relations specialist, then it’s best for you to take a major in marketing. Meanwhile, if you have no specific profession in mind, you can take the major in business since the course track covers almost all the aspects of business. Hence, you can explore more career options upon completion.

3. Learn from the experiences of practitioners in business-related industries.

You can always learn something from someone else’s experiences. Read testimonials of practitioners in business-related industries you’re interested in. Participate in forum discussions; read blogs; and watch interviews. This way, you can picture yourself in different industries and determine which industry you can fit in.

4. Be practical.

According to statistics, the highest-paying industries in Australia for 2018 include the finance, digital, and marketing industries. Therefore, if you want to be more practical and consider your future earning potential, we recommend that you take a major in finance or marketing.

Choosing a major in business studies online offers a wide array of paths, from entrepreneurship to corporate management. If you're considering a future in the legal side of business, incorporating a Legal Administration Course into your studies can enhance your career prospects significantly. This course prepares you for roles that require not only business acumen but also a foundational understanding of legal processes and administration. Whether you're drawn to finance, marketing, or management, integrating legal administration knowledge can provide a competitive edge in various business sectors. Enrolling in Administration Courses that focus on these aspects can significantly enhance your professional capabilities.

Also, just FYI, programs like The Bachelor of Applied Business that we offer are available in three majors. The program is also HECS-HELP approved which means you can study now and pay later (when you are earning more than $55,874 annually) in your chosen industry.

If you have further questions about the business majors available with our programs online, don’t hesitate to enquire through our business course list below. Considering advancing in digital marketing? Check out our Diploma of Social Media Marketing.