Essential Horse Care: A Beginner's Guide to Equine Needs

A serene illustration of a woman with flowing blonde hair riding a pale cream and white horse across a minimalist background with large, stylized green plants. She wears a red jacket and white pants, emphasizing a scene of leisurely horseback riding through a calm, natural setting.

There are many ways to take care of and keep a horse healthy. Sharing your life with a horse can be a very rewarding experience, but also requires a lot of work. Horse ownership is a big commitment, but by learning the basics of horse care and studying an online course about horses, you can be prepared to provide your horse with everything it needs. Equine studies online, a vital part of our Farming Courses, offer comprehensive insights into all aspects of horse health and management, equipping you with the knowledge to ensure the well-being of these magnificent animals.

Horses are very intelligent animals and can sense your emotions.

If you are feeling frustrated, they will likely pick up on that and it will make training more difficult. That is why it is important to take an online horse care course so that you can learn how to properly communicate with your horse.

Whether you’re a horse owner, looking to be one, or wanting to start a career working with horses, keep reading!

In this blog post, we will go over the basic horse care procedures such as how to feed, exercise, train your horse, and more.

Here are ways to take care of your horse and maintain your horse’s health:


The first step in horse care is feeding. Horses are grazing animals and should have access to hay or pasture at all times. A horse’s diet should consist of good quality hay, fresh grass, grain, and water. How much food or the amount of grain you feed will depend on the horse’s size, age, and level of activity.

You should also provide your horse with fresh water at all times. Most horses with a standard size will drink approximately ten gallons of water per day.


Horse owners should know the importance of exercise for horses. They are meant to be working animals. Exercise helps keep their muscles strong and their minds healthy. There are a variety of ways you can exercise your horse. The amount and type of exercise will depend on the horse’s age, level of fitness, and overall health.

Young horses or a horse that is not in good shape should be exercised for 30 minutes to an hour each day.

Adult horses in good condition can be exercised for two to four hours per day, depending on the horse’s diet, body weight, or routine.


Stabling is the process of providing a horse with a safe place to sleep and eat. Horses need shelter because they are sensitive to the weather. They should have a stall or pasture with a three-sided shelter that protects them from the wind and rain.

If you cannot provide your horse with natural shelter or pasture, you will need to stable him. Stabled horses are more likely to become anxious and stressed, so it is important to provide them with a comfortable and clean environment.

A standard-sized horse will need a stall that is at least 12 feet by 12 feet. The stall should have clean bedding and fresh water at all times.


Training a horse is a process of teaching him how to respond to commands and how to behave around humans. It takes time, patience, and practice.

If you want to ride your horse, you will need to train him. You should only attempt to train a horse if you have experience working with horses or have the guidance of a professional. For those interested in a more comprehensive understanding of managing larger-scale animal operations, our Farm Management Courses can be an invaluable resource. 

If you want to learn the basics of how to train one, there are plenty of resources around the internet, or you can also take an online horse care course.


You will need to clean your horse regularly to keep him healthy and prevent the spread of disease. Brush your horse’s coat daily and bathe him when necessary. You will also need to clean his stall and provide him with fresh bedding.

Depending on his diet, you may also need to clean your horse’s teeth. Dental health in horses is a completely different topic. Most horses will need their teeth floated (filed down) once a year by a veterinarian or equine dentist.


Horses need to have their hooves trimmed and shoes put on every six to eight weeks. This is done by a professional farrier. Shoes help protect the horse’s hooves from wear and tear.

These are just a few of the things you need to do when caring for horses. There’s a lot more to discuss like vaccinations, checkups, deworming, etc. Horses are amazing creatures that indeed require special care. As you can see, it’s a huge responsibility. But it is also very rewarding that will give you years of enjoyment.

If you are thinking about getting a horse, do your research and take equine online courses first.

If you’re fascinated with horses and/or if you’re considering adding a horse to your family and becoming a horse owner, be sure to do your research and find an experienced trainer or Animal Care Online Courses about horse care or Zoology Certificate from Zoology Courses. With a little knowledge and a lot of patience, you can successfully learn basic horse care.

An Equine Studies Online will teach you everything you need to know about horse care, from the basics of horse anatomy to more advanced concepts like horse training and behaviour. Some of the things you will learn in an online horse care course include the different types of horse breeds, how to groom your horse, reproductive behaviour, horse facility, and a whole lot more!

For more detailed instructions, consider enrolling in an online course about caring for horses. With the right information, you can provide your horse with everything he needs to live a long and healthy life. Our equine courses offer comprehensive training and resources to help you master all aspects of horse care and management.