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Certificate in Carnivore Zoology

Interested in Carnivores? Study the Certificate in Carnivore Zoology, 100% online from the comfort of your own home.

The Certificate in Carnivore Zoology will teach you about the health, behaviour, reproduction, diet and nutrition of apex predators including wolverines, wolves, wild dogs, bears, crocodiles, sharks, big cats and more.

Detailed watercolor illustration of a lion family, featuring a majestic male lion with a lush mane, a protective lioness, and their curious cub. The lions are depicted in realistic tones of brown and gold, set against a transparent background with subtle stripes of color, enhancing the focus on the animals' textures and expressions.
Start Date
Start Anytime
This course is 15 weeks in duration but you have up to 12 months to complete the course with self-paced learning.
100% Online

Course Overview

Course Modules

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Career Outcomes

  • Zoo Assistant
  • Wildlife Reserve Ranger
  • National Parks Ranger
  • Conservation of Fauna Sanctuary’s
  • Wildlife Manager
  • Captive Breeder

Course Fees Include

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Payment Options

Upfront payment or flexible payment plan starting from $25 per week. Only Australian Citizens & Permanent Residents are eligible for payment plans.

About The Course

Level Up Your Skills in Carnivore Zoology, Quickly, Easily and Affordably

Fascinated by big cats, wolves, bears, and aquatic carnivores? Whether you’re a complete beginner or you’re looking to gain new skills and knowledge, the Certificate in Carnivore Zoology, offered through My Learning Online, will fast-track your career. This course provides in-depth insights and practical knowledge to help you understand and work effectively with these majestic animals. It is one of the many specialised Zoology Courses available that are designed to equip you with targeted expertise in specific areas of animal science.

This course, enriched with virtual classroom experiences and available through My Learning Online, specialises in carnivore zoology, including the health, behaviour, reproduction, diet, and nutrition of apex predators including wolverines, wolves, wild dogs, bears, crocodiles, sharks, big cats, and more. You’ll also learn how to interact with carnivores in a captive environment safely, enclosure design and maintenance, occupational health and safety, and more. Completing this course will earn you a zoology certificate, marking a significant step towards a career in managing and conserving these remarkable species.

Can’t Afford to Pay Upfront?

No problem! This one of the online courses comes with a super affordable payment plan option starting from $25 per week. Enquire now for all the details.


"I have had a great experience with the carnivore zoology module. Learnt so much I did not know before doing this. Tutors are great with helping whenever you need it and give great feedback on all assignments giving you more confidence to help you achieve your best." - Courtney