How to Apply For an Australian Student Visa

Design showcasing an approved visa application next to a dark blue passport, symbolizing international travel and the administrative process of obtaining a visa for entry or study abroad.

If you plan on being an international student in Australia, you will need to understand all of the requirements and processes on how to apply for an Australian Student Visa.

To become an international student in Australia, there are a few evidentiary and general requirements to meet. These requirements are about the following:

  • Your general health.
  • If you have good character.
  • Whether you have OHSC (overseas student health cover) and if it will be valid for your entire stay.
  • If you have any debt owing to Australia.
  • If you are under the age of 18, what accommodation, custody, or general welfare arrangements do you have in place.
  • If you’re able to cover your costs during your stay. This includes tuition fees, flights, living costs etc. This usually works out to be $19,830 a year.
  • Past academic achievements.
  • How well you speak English (if required).
  • You also have to be able to prove that you are only staying in the country temporarily.

So the big question here is, how to apply for an Australian student visa? Well… there are 2 common ways of doing this.

1. You can apply for your Visa online yourself


2. You can get an Education Agent to do this for you on your behalf.

Before submitting your application online, be sure you have all the items on the below checklist:

  • Australian Student application form (157A) must be completed.
  • The Visa application fee must be paid. Which is AU$550 at the moment.
  • Provide a copy of your passport bio-data page or provide your physical passport.
  • Enrolment confirmation letter.
  • Evidence that you have enough money.
  • Evidence that you have health insurance.
  • If required, you will need to show the results of your English proficiency test.
  • Results from the criminal background check.
  • 4 current passport-sized photos.

Confirmation of Enrolment: How to Apply For an Australian Student Visa

A COE (confirmation of enrolment) letter or a letter of offer is a letter from the institution that you are studying with stating that you have been accepted into an approved course.

Approved courses are courses registered under the CRICOS (Commonwealth Register of Institutions of Courses). The COE confirmation will have a code that you will need to enter while submitting your application for a Visa online.

Also, be aware that you might have to pay a deposit towards your course tuition fees.

If you find that the course you are studying isn’t for you, you can change to a course that is either at the same level or higher on the Australian qualification framework. If you want to change to a lower course, you will need to reapply for your Visa.

You can also package your courses on your student visa, studying more than one course where there is progression between online courses. Students are allowed to come to Australia 90 days before the commencement of their course.

Within the first seven days of arriving, you have to advise your education institution of your residential address. Remember, there are certain rules and obligations you need to adhere to once you get your student visa. You have to stay enrolled in a CRICOS course, maintain your insurance policy, attend your classes, and achieve satisfactory results. This is important as any breach can result in the cancellation of your Visa.

Do you have more questions on How to Apply For an Australian Student Visa?

If you have more questions on how to apply for an Australian student visa, feel free to enquire by clicking the enquire now button below. Thanks for reading!

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