Dog Body Language and What They Mean

Digital image of a group of friendly cartoon dogs, each exhibiting different emotions through their body language and facial expressions.

Any keen dog lover will know that just like people, dogs have unique personalities and can experience feelings similar to us and other mammals. Just like humans, dogs have different moods and will always try to communicate this with their body language. The fascinating thing about our canine companions is that they will never fake their emotions, meaning that they are extremely important to learn.

A dog’s communication signs can be read through their eyes, ears, face, tail, and their stance. As a dog owner, it is vital to learn to read your pet’s communication language and to watch out for any tell-tale signs that they may be trying to give you. This short guide, rooted in animal psychology, is for any avid pet owner who wishes to know more about their dog’s body languages and what it may mean, or for those who are interested in a career in animal behaviour.

At Get Course, we can offer you the rewarding opportunity to study an Animal Behaviour course online and turn your passion for animals into a dream career. Our superb online Animal Behaviour Courses and online Animal Care Courses include an Animal Grooming Certificate and Dog Psychology Courses. If you want to know more about the below dog body language, we highly recommend that you view our exciting animal behaviour courses in detail on our website to help get you started in the right direction. Enquire today and study an Animal Behaviour course online with us to fuel your animal ambition.

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Eyes Body Language

Similar to humans, dogs are known to demonstrate emotion through their eyes – this is because it is one of the main ways that they can effectively communicate with us. When a dog’s eyes are open wide and they are alert, this means that they are trying their best to get your attention and need your reassurance. Sometimes, dogs will do this if they are challenging you and want you to firmly respond to them. A squinting, blinking, or even winking dog can mean that they are feeling in a playful mood.

Ears Body Language

Despite this only involving subtle movements, a dog’s ears can be one of the most important details in understanding their emotions. If their ears are pulled back against their head, whether they are slightly flattened or forced heavily downward, it means that a dog is afraid. Dogs will often put only their left ear down as a reaction to unfamiliar environments or to people that they are fearful of.

Facial Body Language

While a yawning dog most often points towards tiredness, it can also mean that they are experiencing nervousness, especially in new environments or around other dogs. Interestingly, if your dog yawns after you, it can be a sign of their loyalty and attachment to you. A dog that licks their face can signal that they are feeling stressed or pressured, while baring their teeth without snarling can be a sign of territory protection, for instance if their food is taken away while they are eating.

Tail Body Language

One of the most common and easiest recognisable communication forms with a dog’s tail is when their tail is tucked between their legs. This is a signal that the dog is frightened or uncomfortable due to the situation they may be in or because they feel threatened by a person. When a dog’s tail is lowered but still wagging, this can mean that he or she is feeling playful, excited, or that they know that you are in charge. If a dog’s tail is lowered and wagging slowly, it could be that they are waiting for you to tell them what to do so that they can understand what is currently happening. A raised tail with tremors can indicate that your dog is challenging you and your authority. If this happens, it means that the dog feels a sense of power over the current situation and has authority over you.

Stance Body Language

When a dog exposes its belly to you, either just by laying down or rolling over, this can be a sign of trust. Dogs also love to put their face on your knee or leg – this is a definite sign that they are in need of your attention. If a dog puts his or her paw on your knee or leg, this is known as a domination technique. Intriguingly, if a dog turns his or her back on you and sits down, they are showing that they have trust in you.

Understanding your dog's body language is not only fascinating but essential for building a strong bond and ensuring their well-being. From interpreting the meanings behind their eyes, ears, facial expressions, and tail movements, to their stance, every signal is a window into their emotions and needs. For those passionate about deepening their knowledge of animal behavior, or considering a career in this field, studying animal behavior, especially focused on dogs, can be incredibly rewarding. The Learning Group offers specialised courses that delve into the nuances of canine behavior, providing a thorough educational experience for those looking to excel in this area.

Ready to turn your love for dogs into a deeper understanding or a fulfilling career? Explore our range of Animal Behaviour Courses at Get Course, including Certificate in Zoology from Zoology Courses, Animal Grooming, and Dog Psychology & Training Certificates. Our courses are designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills to understand and respond to your canine companion's needs better. Enquire today and take the first step toward enriching your relationship with animals and fueling your passion for their care.