5 Questions to Consider Before Changing Careers

changing careerIllustration of six diverse professionals displayed within cloud-shaped frames, representing different career paths. The characters include a chef, a police officer, a customer service representative, a nurse, a businesswoman, and a graduate student, all shown with neutral expressions and professional attire, symbolizing a range of career options and opportunities.

If you’re one of those people who are considering to have a change in their career, please take time to answer the following questions first before finalising your decision and sending a resignation letter.

Changing careers can make a huge impact on your future, especially if you’re already working in a senior or management role. Having said that, you must vividly think through whether you’ll go for it or not, considering all essential factors such as career growth, salary, and above all, your happiness.

We suggest that you note down your answers to the following questions, whether on your smartphone or using a pen and paper, to help you visualise the bigger picture.

All set? Let’s dig deeper right away.

1. Are you driven by emotions or logic?

If you’re planning to quit your job and enter an unfamiliar industry just because you’re mad at your boss, or you’re upset because you didn’t get the promotion you’ve been eyeing, then you’re just driven by emotions. Psychologists and even some successful people say that we should never make decisions when we’re emotional. Our feelings aren’t reliable most of the time so you could end up regretting it later on.

Only make life-changing decisions when you’re sane and logical. You would know this if you’re looking at the bigger picture, considering all the angles, factors, and possible outcomes of each decision, before making your final verdict.

2. Why do you want to change careers?

Just like any other goal or initiative, you have to know the “why” first to determine the reasons behind the urge to quit your current role and shift to a new career.

Is it because you’re bored with work? Do you feel like you’re not growing? Is it because you don’t get along well with your boss? Or because you need a higher wage? Go ahead and list down all your reasons as honestly as possible.

3. What type of career would you pursue next?

Are you planning to shift to a role in a related field? (i.e. from Business Analyst to Accountant) Or are you planning to enter a totally different industry? (i.e. from Restaurant Manager to Application Developer)

List down the roles you’re interested in, and research about them. Consider your strengths, experience, and knowledge about each role before moving to the next question.

4. How can you improve your chances of landing the new role?

If you’re looking at a role related to your field, it’ll be easier for you to get hired since you already have related experience and don’t have to start from scratch. However, if you’re considering to enter a field you have zero experience in, then it’s ideal for you to acquire a diploma, certificate or degree closely related to the role.

For example, if you’re a fashion designer who wants to pursue a career in IT, you have to know that basic IT support knowledge such as debugging is essential. One of the easiest and most convenient ways for you to learn this is by taking an IT course.

5. How much do you want to earn?

Finally, you have to consider the amount you’d like to earn. Some people jump from one industry to another because they feel like they’re not paid well enough. Hence, if money is a huge deciding factor for you, make sure to research about the high-paying, and in-demand careers in your preferred industry.

For instance, if you want to start working from home, you can look for a list of home-based jobs that can earn you $100K per month.

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We hope that you really took time to answer the questions above and you were able to figure out if quitting your job and pursuing a new career is really for you.

Again, remember to weigh first if it’s better to stay on the same career track and just look for a new employer, or enter a totally new industry. Choosing the first one would be easier, but if you’re willing to invest more time in learning new skills and starting almost from the bottom, then feel free to go for the second. Everything still falls in your hands after all so decide wisely. Asking your family and friends for opinions can also be helpful.

Meanwhile, if you’re interested in studying online and have any queries, please don’t hesitate to address them through the button below. We’ll respond to you as soon as possible.

Thanks for reading, and Happy holidays!

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