How To Start A Career In Information Technology In Australia

Illustration of a person focused on coding on a computer with multiple screens displaying code and cloud connectivity, highlighting the work of information technology professionals in a digital workspace.

It’s no secret that IT professionals receive higher annual salaries compared to those who work in other industries. Aside from that, information technology is a continuously growing career field, therefore interest levels are currently rising through the roof.

In fact, some students aim to work for huge IT conglomerates in Australia such as Google System, Canon, Fujitsu, and IBM.

Do you also want to work in the IT sector? Before we discuss how to start a career in information technology, let’s first look at the things you have to consider in entering the industry.

A. What specific IT career you want to pursue

The first thing to understand is there are numerous roles available in this industry. You can be an IT consultant, a database administrator, a QA tester, a web developer, a software engineer, a mobile app designer, and the list goes on.

All of them are IT professionals but they have different job descriptions that require unique sets of skills. Later in this blog, we’ll give you some tips on how to identify the career that suits you best.

B. How much you want to earn

As we’ve mentioned earlier, IT professionals, in general, receive high annual salaries. However, their earnings still vary depending on their job title, tenure, and employer. If you want to know how much you could earn in different types of IT proles, you can view their annual salaries here.

C. What skills and qualifications are required to fit in the industry

IT professionals do so much more than identify hardware and software issues. They do a long list of technical stuff that requires years of study, training, and practice. Also, they do research; liaise with employees and company clients; and so much more. Hence, getting educated is a must for this field.

You can get an IT-related bachelor’s degree, a diploma, or an associate degree to be equipped. Feel free to explore our best IT courses online by hitting the button below to know your options.

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4 Steps to Start Your Dream IT Career

Excited to know how to start a career in information technology? Take note of the succeeding steps to get started.

1. Identify the IT career that suits you best.

Earlier, we’ve discussed that there are numerous IT roles to choose from. To determine what role will suit you best, you must take your time in doing research. Don’t just look at the annual salaries for each role. Remember that money alone couldn’t sustain you in a job. It also takes passion and determination to succeed.

If you are more creative than technical, you can consider being a web designer, a mobile app designer, or a UI/UX designer. Meanwhile, if you’re more interested in coding, you can research more about web development, mobile app development, or systems engineering.

Read job descriptions and the required skills for each role. Learn from the experiences of IT professionals. Get as much information as you can. From there, you can decide which career to pursue, then you can proceed to the next steps.

2. Learn the required skills.

Of course, you couldn’t be hired in a specific role without having the skills and qualifications needed for the role. To acquire such requirements, you must be trained and educated.

For students, you can finish a Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Information Technology or any role related to the specific career you want to pursue. For example, if you want to become a cloud support engineer, it’d be more beneficial to study a Bachelor of Applied Cloud Technology to ensure that you’ll be equipped with all the highly technical skills the role demands.

Meanwhile, for professionals who want to transfer to the IT industry, you must at least acquire a diploma or an associate degree related to IT to learn the fundamentals of this field. Feel free to hit the button below to know your learning options.

3. Become an intern at a reputable IT firm.

Aside from earning course credits, an internship gives students enough exposure to the professional setting. For professionals, doing an internship seems counter-intuitive since they’re already earning. But the truth is, it is a great way for you to earn new contacts, develop your technical skills, and experience other things you simply can’t learn in a course.

It doesn’t matter if the internship is paid or unpaid as long as you work in a reputable IT company where you can get hands-on experience related to your dream IT career. Doing an internship can also pave the way for your new IT career in case the company sees you as an asset and decides to “absorb” you in their organisation.

4. Start applying.

After or even during your internship, you can decide to apply to the same organisation or search for a new employer. Make sure to submit an attractive curriculum vitae since it’s the first thing that employers review when deciding to schedule an applicant for an interview.

At the same time, you can also input relevant information and/or upload your resume on your LinkedIn account. Hiring managers oftentimes use LinkedIn to search for applicants so it’s highly recommended to be visible on that platform.

Where to Acquire an IT Degree or Diploma?

Here at Get Course, we offer multiple online information technology courses that can help you learn a huge scope of the technical skills required by an IT professional. You can finish our diploma courses (course duration: one year), associate degrees (course duration: two years), and bachelor’s degrees (course duration: three years) in IT at your own pace.

What’s even better is eligible students can enrol in these online courses using HECS-HELP which is a reliable loan program that allows students to study now and pay later, once they’re already earning a certain amount.

If you want to learn more about our online IT courses, feel free to send us an enquiry through the button below.

It takes four crucial steps, passion, hard work, and motivation to land your dream tech career. But the starting point is knowing the IT career you want to pursue, the amount you want to earn, and the qualifications you need to acquire.

We hope this blog has helped you make a start on your IT career in Australia. Feel free to send us your success stories in the future. We’d love to hear them! Meanwhile, if you have other concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Best of luck in your journey within the dynamic IT industry!