What are the Benefits of VR Technology in Online Courses?

Graphic showing a female student engaging with VR technology for an immersive learning experience, with a laptop and textbooks on her desk.

We’ve recently announced that for the first time VR technology is being integrated with online classes in Australia. This time, we’ll discuss the major benefits students could get from this upgrade.

What is VR Technology?

Virtual reality (VR) is the technical term for a computer-simulated environment. For a person to get into virtual reality, he/she has to wear a kind of VR technology such as a head-mounted display (HMD) also known as the headset. This device looks like a huge pair of dark goggles with a built-in speaker.

The headset is enclosed and has dark autofocus lenses, promoting engagement. The autofocus lenses adjust based on the user’s eye positioning and movement. Meanwhile, the visuals on the screen come from a mobile phone, a laptop, or a computer.

Technology companies in and there have built their own VR systems, giving the market more options and excitement. Some of the leading products include the Oculus Go, Samsung Gear VR, Google Cardboard, Epson Movario, Avegant Glyph, Magic Leap, Meta, and Daqri.

How Does VR Technology Work in Education?

Virtual reality is proven to be an effective educational tool because it provides fun and limitless learning opportunities, especially for online students. Here at Get Course, we use the Oculus Go virtual headset (combined with the Vreddo virtual reality learning software) for our Diploma of Business course. Online students of this diploma course can attend virtual classrooms where they can interact with their professors and classmates.

What’s really fun and interesting about this is you will feel like you are in an actual classroom setting. Your classes are scheduled and your trainer gets to choose the setting of the virtual classroom for each class. You can meet in a boardroom, a cinema, a park or even in outer space!

Also, you can choose where to sit and you can raise your hand to address questions. Moreover, you will see your trainer moving around the room, navigating the lights, and muting noisy students. Get ready to teleport anywhere, watch YouTube videos, witness holograms, view slideshows, and engage in more exciting activities in this virtual reality class. Integrating VR technology into your education can be significantly enhanced by choosing online recognised courses, that combine innovative learning methods with the credibility of national recognition.

Where to Find Virtual Reality Course

In the 15-week Diploma of Business course we are currently offering, students are required to attend two virtual reality classes per week. Each lesson lasts for only one hour. We offer morning, afternoon, and evening class options so you can schedule your classes depending on your availability. Some tutorials are also available daily. These tutorials are non-compulsory but we recommend you to attend some as they can help you better understand your lessons.

“It feels more personal and a lot less distracting. You can interact with your teacher by raising your hand up or just speaking through the mic and she will go in front of where you are sitting and answer your question. I like it as it’s different and fun and I would definitely recommend it!”

— Kyle Foran, Diploma of Business Student —

View Our Virtual Reality Course

5 Benefits of Using VR Technology in Online Classes

Here are some of the benefits online students could acquire from the integration of VR technology to online classes.

1. Improved learning experience

The VR technology improves online learning experiences by providing more interactive and more exciting ways to learn a subject. Students get immersed in 3D illustrations that can help them better understand specific modules in a more practical way.

For example, if you are enroled in a business course, you can watch videos about virtual computation tutorials, be involved in a virtual discussion, go to virtual business trips, attend virtual conferences, and more.

2. Increased level of engagement

Let’s admit it. It’s quite hard to focus when you are attending online classes at home while your dog is barking, or while your sister is practicing her new song. Wearing VR technology, on the other hand, gives you freedom from distractions. The headset is soundproof so it limits the noise from your place. And since the headset is enclosed, the only thing you will see is the content on the screen, allowing you to focus on the discussions.

3. Increased information retention rates

The brain processes and retains data much easier when the information is presented according to our learning styles. If you have either an auditory or visual learning style, you are more likely to enjoy and benefit most in a virtual classroom. Also, we remember things easily when we have experienced them rather than when we have just read them.

Certainly, VR technology provides fun experiences, and it makes online classes feel like actual classes at a university. Hence, there’s a greater chance that students will retain the lessons longer.

Recommended: Diploma of Business via Virtual Reality

4. Less gap between theory and execution

The gap between theory and execution has always been a challenge to educators. The good thing is VR technology allows students to witness the application of the theories they learned online. You can experience actual scenarios in a specific setting that could help you picture the relevance of certain information in a real-life setting. This makes studying more relevant and useful.

5. New friends and study partners

Self-motivation is necessary for taking an online class. Whether we admit it or not, our drive is fairly easy to lose and can be a struggle at times. Thankfully, you can gain friends in a virtual reality class. These friends can be accountable to you. You can be study partners and even motivate each other to diligently attend classes and finish the course.

But why enroll in an online course?

Online courses open doors to individuals who desire to study but have limited time due to work, family, and other commitments. Enrolling in an online course, whether it’s a diploma course, an associate degree, or a bachelor’s degree, guarantees convenience, flexibility, and lower tuition fees. Just make sure to choose the right course for you from the best online course provider.

View Our Virtual Reality Business Course

The availability of VR technology to online classes is good news for online students because of the benefits listed above. If you are interested in experiencing a fun virtual classroom for your next learning venture, the Virtual Reality Diploma of Business we are currently offering is a good place to start.

It’s nationally recognised and can be studied for just $21 per week. On top of that, the Oculus Go VR headset is included in the course price and gets mailed to you upon enrolment.

Do you have any questions regarding VR technology and how it works?

If you do, don’t hesitate to send us an enquiry on the course page. Thanks for reading!