How to Become an Eyebrow Specialist in Australia

Close-up illustration of an eyebrow specialist shaping a client's eyebrows using a tool, with focus on precision and care in a beauty treatment setting, emphasizing the expertise required in the field of eyebrow styling.

Nowadays, men and women alike want their eyebrows to complement their look, enhancing their natural beauty. This is why there’s a considerable demand for people who have the skills to shape, pluck, thread and wax eyebrows.

Becoming an eyebrow specialist in Australia, however, requires skill and training. You need to not only master the three main techniques of eyebrow shaping – waxing, threading and plucking – but also develop the ability to know which eyebrow shape will suit the client. You can pluck an eyebrow to perfection, but if it doesn’t suit their face or brow, then you’re in trouble.

No law says that you need accreditation to become an eyebrow specialist in Australia, but it can enormously help your career ambitions if you do training. Training teaches you both the technique and well as giving you a grounding in the discipline. Remember, eyebrow shaping is an art form, and many people at the top of the industry describe it as such. Over time, you’ll develop tacit knowledge of what works and what doesn’t. To start this journey, consider enrolling in Beauty Courses online which can provide comprehensive training in eyebrow shaping and other essential beauty skills.

How to Become an Eyebrow Specialist in Australia?

Do you want to become an eyebrow specialist in Australia? Take a look at the following steps.

Step 1: Enhance your knowledge and skills by studying.

Numerous courses throughout Australia can help you become an eyebrow specialist. Most courses require that you complete the modules to a sufficient standard before you can get a certificate of attainment.

Having a certification, such as a course in health and safety, proves to future employers and clients that you’ve achieved a minimum standard of practice and that you understand critical issues in the industry, including patient health and safety.

Here at Get Course, for instance, we offer Eyebrow Courses online where you’ll learn how to re-shape and define eyebrows, and most importantly, how to do them safely. They also provide on-demand access to a range of tutorials and guides so that you can revise the various techniques you learn throughout the course. Tutors are on standby too to answer any questions that you may have about the content, helping you excel in your eyebrow technician certification.

Step 2: Choose your workplace.

You can either apply to a salon and earn a regular salary, or you can decide to work as a self-employed eyebrow specialist. The majority of eyebrow specialists in Australia work independently, but salons will happily take you on if you want to gain more experience in the industry before striking out by yourself.

You may also want to work in a salon if you prefer to work alongside other people instead of by yourself.

Here are some of the positions you can consider pursuing:

  • Eyebrow specialist
  • Eyebrow waxing technician – somebody who specialises in using waxing to remove hair from eyebrows
  • Eyebrow threading technician – somebody who specialises in threading techniques to remove hairs
  • Eyebrow tinting technician – a therapist who focuses on tinting eyebrows

Step 3: Find Clients.

The final step is to find clients. If you want to get clients quickly, you can work as an eyebrow technician in a salon. Salons pipe clients through to you at a regular clip, either paying you by the hour or, in some unusual cases, by the client.

The other option is finding your client in the various streams available – whether online, by referral, and the like. Becoming an independent eyebrow specialist is more challenging, to begin with, because you have to find customers. However, over the long term, it can be substantially more lucrative.

Showcasing Your Work Through Professional Photography

As you establish your career as an eyebrow specialist, it's crucial to showcase your work to potential clients. High-quality photos of your eyebrow artistry can significantly enhance your portfolio and attract more clients. Whether you're setting up your website, creating marketing materials, or sharing on social media, professional photographs will set you apart from competitors. If you're looking to learn or refine your photography skills to capture your work best, consider enrolling in Australian online photography classes and have a DSLR Photography Course. These classes will equip you with the necessary skills to take compelling shots of your eyebrow designs, ensuring that your expertise shines through in every image.

How Much Do Eyebrow Specialists Earn In Australia?

How much you get paid as an eyebrow specialist depends on whether you work for a salon or run an independent business. Salons in Australia typically pay around $53,000 per annum, as per Indeed Australia. The pay for independent specialists is often slightly higher to start because there’s no need to cover salon costs. However, those who run their eyebrow waxing businesses have potentially unlimited earnings potential, especially if they have enhanced their skills through Beauty Courses Online and can attract high-paying celebrity clients.

Beauty therapists, on the other hand, typically earn around $48,300 per year, with those in the top ten percent making more than $59,000 per annum. If you start a salon later on in your career, you can increase your earnings further.

Becoming an eyebrow specialist can be a rewarding career, often beginning with comprehensive makeup courses that cover the intricacies of facial aesthetics. These online courses, available through Ulleo, provide detailed training in eyebrow shaping and styling, equipping you with the skills needed to excel. Some of the top eyebrow specialists in the world, including salon owner Shavata Singh, say that they enjoy the artistry involved every day.

Taking up the profession of eyebrow specialist allows introverts to participate in a very specific and personal area of beauty care,  similar to those who engage in online spray tanning classes. This guide to specialist beauty roles for introverts highlights the rewards of focusing on services that allow for personal interaction and the satisfaction of enhancing one's natural beauty.

Do you want to become an eyebrow specialist in Australia? Check out our accredited courses in Australia and send us an inquiry.

Please also check out our short online courses in Australia that are currently available.