In-Demand Jobs in Australia

Illustration of diverse professionals standing together: a naval officer, police officer, construction worker, nurse, farmer, engineer, firefighter, doctor, chef, and a police officer, showcasing a variety of occupations.

Back in May, the Australian government released its annual jobs report, a document which reveals practically everything a person might want to know about the state of the labour market.

The jobs report captured our interest for a couple of reasons. Ultimately, it gives us an insight into the kinds of jobs that are expected to be most in-demand in the near future.

Like other leading countries around the world, the Australian authorities recognise the impact that technology and automation have on the labour market. Demand for certain kinds of work is likely to fall, while for others, it’ll rise. Here are their predictions for the most in-demand jobs in 2020.

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Roles in Healthcare and Social Assistance

Australia has an aging population. Decades of declining fertility and relatively low levels of immigration mean that the population pyramid is becoming more square with a similar number of older people to younger. This fact means that there is a greater need than ever before for medical and care services.

According to the 2019 Australian Jobs Report, health and social assistance is projected to have the most substantial employment growth of any industry until May 2023 (a calendar month when the government traditionally releases sectoral employment data). The number of jobs in the sector grew by more than 21.4% since November 2013 alone and looks set to go up by an additional 14.9% over the next four years.

Meanwhile, 48% of people in the sector have a bachelor’s degree or higher, with a further 32% trained to cert III or higher VET qualification. Only 16% have no post-school training.

Popular in-demand jobs in the sector include the following:

  • Registered nurses
  • Aged and disabled carers
  • Child carers
  • Nursing support and personal care workers

Roles in Education and Training

The way technology affects the economy has been changing the types of roles that people need to perform. The number of people employed in manufacturing and agriculture is in secular decline (and has been for many years) meaning that there are fewer low-skill roles available. At the same time, the complexity of the many newly generated jobs means that there’s more demand than ever before for highly trained people to go into research and the training of future generations.

For these reasons, roles in education and training are set to grow considerably over the coming years. Since November 2013, employment in the sector expanded by 15.8%. It’s set to grow by another 11.2% by May 2023.

The primary demand for jobs is in the public sector. Australia would need more school teachers and university lecturers. However, there are also many opportunities in the private sector for those who would rather stay out of the state school system. The government expects the demand for private tutors to go up considerably as people who struggle in traditional educational settings seek alternatives.

Expect to see demand for professionals in the following roles in 2020:

  • University lecturers
  • Private tutors
  • Educational aides
  • Professional trainers

Roles in Accommodation and Food Services

Accommodation and food services might not be the most technologically advanced sector of the economy. But that doesn’t mean that it’s suffering from a lack of job growth. It’s quite the reverse.

The reason for the expected employment growth comes down to the way that technology is expected to affect the sector. The government doesn’t expect robot bar staff that can make you a cocktail time soon, implying that hospitality will remain a labour-intensive industry. What’s more, growing wealth in the rest of the economy means that the average person has more to spend on enjoyable leisure activities, like staying in hotels and eating at restaurants. Both of these factors combine to suggest that 50% of roles in the sector require no post-school education. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t opportunities for those with training, including events management courses online. The report predicts that employment in accommodation and food services will rise by 9.1% and that there will be a need for a variety of skilled workers to fill posts in 2020.

Here are some of the most in-demand roles in the sector:

  • Hotel and restaurant managers
  • Sales experts
  • Marketing professionals
  • Holiday/restaurant platform specialists

Roles in Professional, Scientific and Technical Services

The government expects that the number of high-skill roles in Australia will expand. The reasons for this are clear: the market needs people with highly developed technical skills to perform research, solve problems, and create new products. The economy is becoming more “technical”, and people need a higher level of training to do work and push the boundaries of human knowledge.

The majority of people in the sector have a high level of training, with more than 84% holding some kind of post-school qualification. Employment in the industry grew by 19.4% since November 2013 and will continue to grow, according to government figures, by 10.2% by the May 2023 cut-off.

Expect demand to grow for the following roles:

  • Management and organisational analysts
  • Graphic and web designers
  • Illustrators and content creators
  • Data management specialists
  • Application and software programmers

Roles in the Arts and Recreational Services

Fitness instructors, music professionals and even sportspeople are likely to see profound growth in employment over the coming year. Workers in this sector tend to be young, with a disproportionately large 27% of the total in the 15 to 24 age range.

The growth in employment has to do with the increasingly ample opportunities in entertainment and recreation. Changes in the economy and working patterns mean that people are now able to spend more of their income on leisure activities. Those with the right skills have an unprecedented opportunity to secure stable, secure and long-term careers in creative industries.

The government expects employment to grow by 8.7% over the next four years. Here are some of the jobs that will see the most significant boost in demand:

  • Music professionals
  • Greenkeepers
  • Fitness instructors
  • Sports coaches
  • Sports instructors and officials

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We hope this blog post about the most in-demand jobs in Australia in 2020 has given you enough idea on which types of careers to apply for in the near future.

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