Effective Tips in Keeping Your Home Spick and Span

Illustration of a family cleaning their home together, featuring a father holding a dustpan, a mother with a watering can, and a daughter cleaning a window, accompanied by their happy golden retriever.

The recent past has seen record numbers of people changing the way they work. They now move from a daily commute to a home-based working pattern. Chances are, even when the crisis that has forced this choice upon us is over, there will be a renewed look at whether travelling to work is entirely necessary, and we could be looking at working from home long-term. Thus, people who are practising the “new normal” are looking for house cleaning tips that come from actual experts.

While there is a lot to be enthused about in this change, it does mean that we will all have to consider the fact that daily and weekly chores will have to be performed more often. With more people at home during the day, it is clear that keeping our homes spick and span will involve more work than it used to. For those of us who have always found this kind of housework to be a grind, hopefully the following tips, which are useful when you study commercial and domestic cleaning, will be of use.

Clean your Couch with Baking Soda

The wonders of sodium bicarbonate are well known to domestic goddesses and gods with a green outlook. Also known as baking soda, this product is an indispensable leavening ingredient in cakes, but its uses extend beyond baking. If you’re looking for the right equipment to help keep your home clean, this inexpensive product is essential. One way it helps is in removing stubborn stains and stinks from a sofa. Simply brush off the couch using a clothes brush, then sprinkle soda on the area you want to clean. Leave for 20 minutes and then, using the brush attachment, hoover it away.

Check the area once you’ve done this: good as new!

Use Vinegar to Make your Glassware Sparkle Again

Over time, the shine and sparkle of your glassware can be dimmed by fingerprints, dust, and sponge marks. This is where the mighty vinegar’s magic will come in handy.

First, soak them in white vinegar for five minutes. Then give them a rinse under running water before drying them off with a fresh microfibre cloth. You won’t believe how easy it is to bring back your glassware’s lustre with vinegar. It’s included in our commercial and domestic cleaning courses, as it’s proven to be effective and safe. You’ll find that cleaning becomes second nature to you – potentially even a career.

Bring Tea Towels Back to Life with Dish Soap

Months of drying up plates and cups can leave your tea towels looking dull and dismal – and no matter how many times you wash them, they still look lifeless. However, they don’t need to stay that way until you replace them with new ones. Instead, make a paste from dishwashing soap and baking soda, and apply it freely on the towel.

Then run the item through a normal wash and you’ll see that it has been returned to its original crisp cleanliness. This approach also works for clothing that has become drab through repeated wear and can be hugely beneficial in careers in commercial and domestic cleaning. 

Our tips for keeping a cleaner house can be used around your home, and with a bit of time to learn a few more, you can study commercial and domestic cleaning and pick up a qualification that might offer you a business opportunity in the future.

To elevate your home cleaning routine or kickstart a career in the cleaning industry, explore domestic cleaning training courses. These online courses teach advanced cleaning techniques and offer tips for maintaining a spotless home environment efficiently.

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