Certificate IV in Work Health & Safety (BSB41419)

Upgrade your career in work health and safety with the nationally-recognized Certificate IV in Work Health & Safety (BSB41419). This qualification teaches you essential skills to provide a safe work environment, maintain equipment and structures, and monitor worker health and well-being.
Course Provider
The College for Adult Learning
(RTO 22557)
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Nationally Recognised Qualification

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Flexible Online Delivery

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Upfront Payment or a Flexible Payment Plan (from $45 per week)

Course Overview

Start Date
Start Anytime
Part-time: 10-12 Months. Full-time: 8 Months. However, you have 24-months access to the course and can study via self-paced learning over this period.
100% Online
Career Outcomes
  • Safety Officer
  • Work Health Safety Coordinator
  • Health Safety Advisor
Course Modules
  1. BSBWHS412 Assist with Workplace Compliance with WHS Laws
  2. BSBWHS413 Contribute to Implementation and Maintenance of WHS Consultation and Participation Processes
  3. BSBINS401 Analyse and Present Research Information
  4. BSBWRT411 Write Complex Documents
  5. BSBWHS414 Contribute to WHS Risk Management
  6. BSBWHS514 Manage WHS Compliance of Contractors
  7. BSBWHS415 Contribute to Implementing WHS Management Systems
  8. BSBWHS411 Implement and Monitor WHS Policies, Procedures and Programs
  9. BSBWHS416 Contribute to Workplace Incident Response
  10. BSBWHS417 Assist with Managing WHS Implications of Return to Work
Course Fees Include

"To further my knowledge in WHS I decided to sign up with CAL for a Cert IV in this field, the Cert IV course was not just a "do a module and move on" but became a learning journey that was interesting, challenging but most of all pleasurable, the college support was unbelievable, if I had questions the live chat student support would point me in the right direction. Being in my 60's I was unsure if I had the ability to succeed, my coach Robyn kept me motivated and driven, my success came. I will recommend CAL to any of my work colleagues internal, or external, that wish to take on further study as from my experience, the courses are well managed and supported, the Cert IV has become a wealth of knowledge for me and has enabled me to enhance skills and apply new ones learned. Looking back, I have enjoyed every minute of it." - Clayton

*The contents are accurate at the time of writing. Get in touch with the course provider for the latest information.

About the Course Provider

The College for Adult Learning

The College for Adult Learning formed as a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) in 2009, and through their dedication to outcomes-focused, practical training solutions with unparalleled support and flexibility, they’ve been making a real difference in thousands of lives over the last 10 years. This institution was founded by a team of dedicated senior executives from the TAFE/University sector inspired by adult learners across Australia desperate for relevant courses, tailored learning, practical study options, comprehensive support, work-ready skills, and real outcomes. The College for Adult Learning specializes in online courses, offering advanced diplomas and certificates in fields such as Business, Human Resource Management, Leadership, and more since 2009. Designed for professional growth and flexibility, these online courses cater to a variety of career aspirations, allowing learners to enhance their skills conveniently from home.
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