Advanced Certificate in Working with Youth and Children at Risk

If you love helping children and youth, consider a career as a youth worker, counselor, teacher's aide, or psychologist. The Advanced Certificate in Working with Youth and Children at Risk course is your first step towards making a difference.
Course Provider
(RTO 22557)
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Study 100% Online

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Self-Paced Learning

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Upfront Payment or a Flexible Payment Plan starting from $25 per week.

Course Overview

Start Date
Start Anytime
400 hours of study time. You have lifetime access to this course.
Study this course 100% online from the comfort of your own home, anywhere in Australia.
Career Outcomes
  • Youth Worker
  • Child Mental Health Counsellor
  • Special Needs Teachers Aide
  • Child And Adolescent Counsellor
  • School Counsellor
  • Child Psychologist 
  • Children’s Services Caseworker
Course Modules
  1. Nature and Scope of Developmental Disorders – Intellectual Disability / Learning Disability
  2. Autism – Autistic Disorder signs, symptoms, treatment and support
  3. Asperger’s Disorder – signs, symptoms, treatment and support
  4. Other Pervasive Developmental Disorders (Rett’s Disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Developmental Disorders NOS) signs, symptoms, treatment and support
  5. Attention-Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders – ADHD & variants, signs, symptoms, treatment and support
  6. Conduct Disorders (Include oppositional defiant disorder) signs, symptoms, treatment and support
  7. Learning Disorders – focus on academia (Mathematics, Reading Disorder – Dyslexia, etc.) signs, symptoms, treatment and support
  8. Communications Disorders & Motor Skills Disorder – focus on speech and language signs, symptoms, treatment, and support
  9. Youth and Crime
  10. Nature and Scope of Mental Health – looking at difference between adult and child and adolescent mental health.
  11. Childhood Depression – how it changes when reaching adolescence; signs and symptoms and treatments
  12. Anxiety Disorders – separation, generalised etc. school phobias, social phobias etc. signs/symptoms/treatment
  13. Tic Disorders – Tourette’s etc. signs/symptoms/treatment
  14. Brain Disorders (Injury & Disease) signs/symptoms/treatment
  15.  Other Disorders – Motor Disorders, Elimination Disorders, Feeding & Eating Disorders; signs/symptoms/treatment
  16. Environmental Problems – Abuse and Neglect, Relationship Problems signs/symptoms/treatment
  17. Problems of Adolescence – Anorexia, Bulimia, Substance Use, Family Conflict signs/symptoms/treatment
  18. Holistic and Alternative Approaches to Treatment – this should be a general approach to dealing with children & adolescents i.e., not directed at specific conditions
  19. Special Project
Course Fees Include
  • All the required study materials and course notes.
  • A tutor who will service all of your course and career questions and guidance needs.
  • A certificate officially recognising your successful completion of the course.

"The Advanced Certificate Working with at Risk Youth has such meaningful and useful modules, and no requirement for work placement! Even if you don’t work in the industry, it has valuable information for parents, on common issues that children and adolescents can encounter. I thoroughly enjoyed learning through this course!" - Leanne K

Understanding A Child's Problem is the First Step to Helping Them

Did you know that the implications of a developmental disorder can be very significant in later life, if undetected and not responded to? What might potentially be a major problem in later life can be avoided through the simple act of becoming aware and responding early in life.

If you are working with or planning to help children in a caring capacity, this advanced certificate is a must to enhance your knowledge of childhood mental health. The online course would cover definitions of various groups of disorder as well as motor and communication disorders. You will also learn how to identify the signs, symptoms and treatments for these different classes of childhood disorder.

Is COURSES4ME accredited?

Yes. All of their courses are endorsed by the IARC ( and accredited by ICOES ( ICOES has an independent board of management that ensures that the Foundation operates in accordance with its purpose. It has an Advisory Board consisting of independent professors who developed and implemented the Accreditation Standards, a quality charter that is used for the annual review of prospective and existing accredited course providers.

*The contents are accurate at the time of writing. Get in touch with the course provider for the latest information.

About the Course Provider


Courses4me is one of Australia’s newest online education providers. They endeavour to provide their students with engaging content to encourage them along their career path. All of their courses are provided 100% online and are created by industry experts. Courses4Me caters to the upskiller, the side hustler, the returning to-work mums and dads, and those who just have a passion for learning. Courses4Me offers versatile online courses across fields like animal welfare, youth work, business, and psychology, designed by industry experts for upskillers, career changers, and lifelong learners, ensuring flexibility and comprehensive support.
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